Posted by: mizzdubya | April 1, 2009

Rabbit, Rabbit

Do you follow that superstition?  Saying “rabbit rabbit” right before you go to sleep on the last night of a month, and then first thing in the morning of the new month?

I’m vaguely superstitious (about really stupid things) and always mean to do it, but forget.  Then I have a vague uneasiness for the rest of the day that if something bad happens, its totally my fault because I forgot to say “rabbit rabbit.”

Christ.  I need to punch myself in the head.

Yesterday as I was driving to work I thought of something hilarious and was laughing to myself all the way in, thinking, “I should put it on my little bloglet.  The world needs to know of my hilariousness.”

Then I forgot it. 

So now you know that there was something hilarious out in the universe, lost forever to the dark, squishy recess of my swiss cheese brain.  Mmmm…cheese brains. 

Consider this your April cocktease.

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